6 Reasons You Need Routine HVAC Maintenance

Preventive maintenance is vital to the health of your HVAC system. Think of it as your AC unit’s annual wellness exam. Regular maintenance discovers potential issues like coolant leaks and faulty capacitors before damage is too extensive or expensive. In this post, we examine six reasons you need routine HVAC maintenance.

1. Extend the Life of Your A/C Unit

Taking care of your A/C and HVAC unit is crucial. A well-maintained AC unit will last longer, have fewer issues, and operate efficiently. While our a/c professionals perform maintenance, they follow a checklist to ensure they perform a thorough inspection. This includes cleaning the evaporator drain, inspecting the condensing unit, cleaning the condensing and evaporator coils, checking coolant levels (adding more if necessary), and much more. After the inspection and cleaning, your unit will run better. The entire system and its motor won’t work harder than they’re supposed to work.

Routine HVAC maintenance also helps your AC tech discover potential problems early when they’re still easy to fix (and much cheaper). Taking the time to schedule maintenance will help maximize the life of your air conditioning unit and could save you thousands of dollars overtime.

2. Improve HVAC Efficiency

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, central air conditioning accounts for 17 percent of power bills in Arizona. Newer units in new construction homes will

When parts are well-lubricated, coolant levels are where they should be, and the entire system is clean and debris-free, your unit runs at maximum efficiency. That means it starts and stops when it should and doesn’t have to work so hard to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. The best part? When your HVAC system runs at peak performance, it uses less power, lowering energy costs.

3. Fewer Emergency Repairs

There’s nothing quite like those few seconds of panic you feel when your AC doesn’t start. How much is this going to cost me? How long will it take to fix it? What’s the weather report for the next few days?

Routine HVAC maintenance protects your air conditioner against unexpected breakdowns like regular oil changes protect your vehicle’s engine. Keeping parts lubricated and fixing problems while they’re still minor significantly reduces the risk of unit failure and subsequent emergency repairs.

4. Improved Comfort and Air Quality

A properly maintained air conditioner keeps your home cool all summer long. If you’ve ever tried to sleep during the height of a Phoenix summer without air conditioning, you know how important that is.

Regular service helps maintain a comfortable temperature in your home and keeps the unit running quietly. In addition, clean air filters help improve indoor air quality, reducing airborne allergens, pollutants, bacteria, and more.

5. HVAC Maintenance Protects Your Health and Safety

Part of our maintenance checklist includes checking coolant levels and screening for leaks. Breathing in refrigerant fumes for a prolonged period may cause respiratory issues, eye irritation, and more. These side effects are rare, but a prolonged leak or spending large amounts of time in your home increases your risk.

6. Routine HVAC Maintenance Saves Money

Routine HVAC maintenance isn’t free, but it truly saves you money. You save money in numerous ways, including repairs, your power bill, and extending your unit’s life.

We highly recommend scheduling your AC service in the spring before summer’s heat strikes. Contact Northern Air for your free estimate and to learn more about our HVAC maintenance plan. Or, call 480-352-8710 to schedule your AC service today.


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